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Individual Statistics


Rank: Ensign
Position: Assistant Chief Science Officer
Age: 117
Species: Horta
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Janus VI
Height: 0.43 meters
Weight: 456 kg
Hair: (none)
Eyes: (none)

Personnel Profile

Born on stardate 3201.1, Thaaj hatched during the most recent Horta Renewal brood of over a century earlier during contact with the Federation mining colony on Janus VI, where thousands of his brothers and sisters began life in the underground caverns of his home planet following a 50,000 year lull in his species' gestation cycle. After spending decades mining and being schooled in inter-species relations on his home planet, Thaaj chose to join a number of his siblings by applying to Starfleet's program for non-humanoid applicants, earning his commission on stardate 56413.5, and joining the crew of the USS Darwin: a Nebula-class Federation starship completely manned by Horta and commanded by Captain Dalen. By stardate 61415.1, he had achieved the position of volcanologist first class in the geology department, and chose to pursue other career options, being assigned to the newly-built Luna Class USS Republic as Assistant Chief Science Officer.

personnel/thaaj.1677358807.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/25 21:00 by cromwell