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Naruko Kuga

Individual Statistics


Rank: Ensign
Position: Chief Operations Officer
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Earth
Height: 1.61 meters
Weight: 44.2 kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Personnel Profile

Naruko Kuga was a young Starfleet Ensign fresh out of the academy when she reported onboard the Republic as Chief of Operations. In both the academy and elsewhere, Kuga was known for getting into trouble, but usually as a victim of circumstance rather than a perpetrator. While Kuga's personnel file indicated she was a human female who led an ordinary upbringing on Earth, it turns out that her origins were far more sinister. With only days into her tour on the Republic, Kuga was kidnapped and reunited with her true past in the Gamma Quadrant. Unbeknownst Kuga, it turns out she was an organically-grown, bio-mechanical organism with the power to manipulate complex computerized mechanisms. Conceived by a rouge admiral operating out of a secret base, Kuga was designed to interface with a highly-advanced, powerful spacecraft with orders to start another war with the Dominion Founders. Escaping her captors before carrying out the fiendish plot, Kuga found herself back aboard Republic where she placed in protective custody. With the aid of yet another Starfleet impostor, Kuga beamed off the Republic to a nearby cloaked vessel which was accidentally destroyed in a transwarp-tractor beam mishap.

personnel/naruko_kuga.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/27 18:36 by site_admin