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current_story:nothing_ever_lasts_forever [2023/02/26 15:53] cromwellcurrent_story:nothing_ever_lasts_forever [2025/03/05 04:36] (current) cromwell
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 "If he told you THAT," she replied questioningly, her eyes narrowing with skepticism.  "Then where did he tell the CAPTAIN he was from?" "If he told you THAT," she replied questioningly, her eyes narrowing with skepticism.  "Then where did he tell the CAPTAIN he was from?"
-Leon studied Meridian's face in return, realizing she was digging deeper.  Point in fact, she was quizzing him; it was a test.  It suddenly dawned on Leon that Hendrix wasn't just being dodgy in their conversation on the holodeck three days ago when he revealed that he had misdirected the captain about his clandestine origins with SOG.  He was actually giving Leon a code... He was telling him HOW to communicate with Meridian if things went south.+Leon studied Meridian's face in return, realizing she was digging deeper.  Point in fact, she was quizzing him; it was a test.  It suddenly dawned on Leon that Hendrix wasn't just being dodgy in their conversation on the holosuite three days ago when he revealed that he had misdirected the captain about his clandestine origins with SOG.  He was actually giving Leon a code... He was telling him HOW to communicate with Meridian if things went south.
 "He told her... that he was from the See-Oh-Eee..." "He told her... that he was from the See-Oh-Eee..."
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 Outside, the scintillating blue light of a tractor beam enveloped the monolithic superstructure of Republic's Mission Pod as the distance between it and Republic continued to widen.  Leading the pod on it's trajectory, a gray twin-engine winged vessel with the name "ACES HIGH" scrawled on it's lower hull kept it's aft-facing tractor beam emitter focused on the now maneuver-less scientific sensor suite.  Strapped into the cockpit of the fighter craft, and grinning from ear-to-ear, was a victorious Nathan Hawk -- Veteran of the Flying Aces 85th Attack Squadron, former first officer of Republic, and newly-minted renegade mercenary pilot.  With his tell-tale "devil-may-care" gleam in his eye, he treated himself to a celebratory cigar as he pulled the Mission Pod further and further away from its mothership. Outside, the scintillating blue light of a tractor beam enveloped the monolithic superstructure of Republic's Mission Pod as the distance between it and Republic continued to widen.  Leading the pod on it's trajectory, a gray twin-engine winged vessel with the name "ACES HIGH" scrawled on it's lower hull kept it's aft-facing tractor beam emitter focused on the now maneuver-less scientific sensor suite.  Strapped into the cockpit of the fighter craft, and grinning from ear-to-ear, was a victorious Nathan Hawk -- Veteran of the Flying Aces 85th Attack Squadron, former first officer of Republic, and newly-minted renegade mercenary pilot.  With his tell-tale "devil-may-care" gleam in his eye, he treated himself to a celebratory cigar as he pulled the Mission Pod further and further away from its mothership.
-"I luv it when a plan comes t'gether!" he exclaimed.+"I luv it when a plan comes ta'gether!" he exclaimed.
 Once he was confident the Mission Pod posed no further threat to Republic, the lieutenant commander produced a palm-sized device from his pocket, and flipped open a gold metallic top flap that registered multiple chirps.  It was, in fact, an old-style hand communicator circa 23rd century, complete with the black styling and silver highlights of yesteryear.  With the Republic's subspace communications network currently offline, it was apparent that the ship's first officer made alternate arrangements to communicate with his colleagues back on the bridge.  Once he was confident the Mission Pod posed no further threat to Republic, the lieutenant commander produced a palm-sized device from his pocket, and flipped open a gold metallic top flap that registered multiple chirps.  It was, in fact, an old-style hand communicator circa 23rd century, complete with the black styling and silver highlights of yesteryear.  With the Republic's subspace communications network currently offline, it was apparent that the ship's first officer made alternate arrangements to communicate with his colleagues back on the bridge. 
-"Aces High to Republic," Hawk hailed.  "Welcome ta the trial run uv Nat Hawk's Garbage Pickup Services.  It's been a pleasure servin' ya this fine mornin'."+"Aces High ta Republic," Hawk hailed.  "Welcome ta the trial run uv Nat Hawk's Garbage Pickup Services.  It's been a pleasure servin' ya this fine mornin'."
 =/\= //"Hawk, you did great!"// =/\= Maria lauded over the open channel. =/\= //"Hawk, you did great!"// =/\= Maria lauded over the open channel.
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 =/\= //"Should we wait for you to finish your 'garbage run' so you can re-dock with us here in orbit?  Or are we rendezvousing with you somewhere else?"// =/\= =/\= //"Should we wait for you to finish your 'garbage run' so you can re-dock with us here in orbit?  Or are we rendezvousing with you somewhere else?"// =/\=
-"Fraid neither, doc," the former first officer answered.  "I'm gonna hold this bunch til th' fleet arrives.  This is where you'n I are gonna have ta part company."+"Fraid neither, doc," the former first officer answered.  "I'm gonna hold this bunch til th' fleet arrives.  This is where you'n I are gonna hafta part company."
 =/\= //"No WAY!  I'm not going to let you go to prison for me!"// =/\= =/\= //"No WAY!  I'm not going to let you go to prison for me!"// =/\=
Line 219: Line 219:
 =/\= //"So this is goodbye?"// =/\= =/\= //"So this is goodbye?"// =/\=
-"Fer now," Hawk replied.  "But who knows what th' future'll bring.  Til then, ya'd better get outta here before th'fleet arrives."  +"Fer now," Hawk replied.  "But who knows what th' future'll bring."  
 =/\= //"Thanks for everything, Nat."// =/\= =/\= //"Thanks for everything, Nat."// =/\=
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 The first order of business was to brief everyone on the ship's status, and since it was not exactly in peak working condition, it fell to Lieutenant Pakita to report on their efforts at returning to normal operations. The first order of business was to brief everyone on the ship's status, and since it was not exactly in peak working condition, it fell to Lieutenant Pakita to report on their efforts at returning to normal operations.
-"The subspace array is back online, and we're issuing new combadges to the crew to replace the burned out ones," she remarked.  "Water cleanup is commencing on decks six through nine, and we're repairing the holes that Thaaj bored in the longerons.  The shuttle deck reports they have just completed re-installation of the lifeboat you ejected, but a type-nine shuttle is reported missing from its hangar.  The current crew compliment stands at 271."+"Internal comms and ship-to-ship communications are back online, and we're issuing new combadges to the crew to replace the burned out ones," she remarked.  "Water cleanup is commencing on decks six through nine, and we're repairing the holes that Thaaj bored in the longerons.  The shuttle deck reports they have just completed re-installation of the lifeboat you ejected, but a type-nine shuttle is reported missing from its hangar.  The current crew compliment stands at 271."
 "Understood," Leon replied, happy to hear Meridian made it out okay.  "Disregard the missing shuttle.  Casualties?" "Understood," Leon replied, happy to hear Meridian made it out okay.  "Disregard the missing shuttle.  Casualties?"
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 "The Klingons are out," Lieutenant Graq added gruffly.  "They'll just hand us back to the Federation." "The Klingons are out," Lieutenant Graq added gruffly.  "They'll just hand us back to the Federation."
 +“The Romulans have their own problems with internal politics right now,” Narundi piped in. “They probably won't want to be dealing with us. They'd probably fire first and ask questions later.”
-"The Romulans have their own problems with the Supernova Crisis," Narundi piped in.  "They probably won't want to be dealing with us.  They'd probably fire first and ask questions later."+“We need to find the nearest neutral world,” stated Leon, folding his hands in thought“Some place out of the way where no one will come looking for us.
-"We need to find the nearest neutral world," stated Leon, folding his hands in thought.  "Some place out of the way where no one will come looking for us."+“Orion Space isn't too far away,” explained M'Roww.
-"Orion Space isn't too far away," explained M'Roww. +Too risky,” Leon dismissed. Pirates might start ganging up on us, even if our phasers are a match for one of their ships. I'd like to avoid combat as much as possible. Anywhere else?
- +
-"Too risky,Leon dismissed.  "Pirates might start ganging up on us, even if our phasers are a match for one of their ships.  I'd like to avoid combat as much as possible.  Anywhere else?"+
 M'Roww cross-referenced the navigational database with the help of Mahlenoy over the intraship navnet. M'Roww cross-referenced the navigational database with the help of Mahlenoy over the intraship navnet.
-"We could try Nimbus Three,she concluded, adjusting the controls to zoom in on the map at an area in the Neutral Zone.  "It's technically a Romulan colony, but in neutral space with a mix of different Alpha Quadrant and Beta Quadrant species."+We could try Nimbus Three,” she concluded, adjusting the controls to zoom in on the map at an area in the Neutral Zone. It's technically a Romulan colony, but in neutral space with a mix of different Alpha Quadrant and Beta Quadrant species.” 
 +“Nimbus Three?” Leon raised an eyebrow quizzically. “I've never heard of it.”
-"Nimbus Three?" Leon raised an eyebrow quizzically.  "I've never heard of it."+“It's a twenty-third century diplomatic experiment gone awry,” Tolkath explained. “A class-L planet that the Klingons, Romulans, and Federation worked to colonize together during the pre-Khitomer era when each of the three Alpha Quadrant powers were constantly at each others' throats. It didn't work out very well and became what one could call a 'backwater' planet.
-"It's a twenty-third century diplomatic experiment gone awry," Tolkath explained.  "A class-L planet that the Klingons, Romulans, and Federation worked to colonize together during the pre-Khitomer era when each of the three Alpha Quadrant powers were constantly at each others' throats.  It didn't work out very well and became what one could call a 'backwater' planet."+“I take it not many people in this day and age have heard of it?”
-"I take it not many people in this day and age have heard of it?"+“Correct,” he confirmed. “The Federation and the Klingon Empire try to steer clear of itand the Romulans have basically ignored that it exists at all.  There's no mineral wealth, and it's strategically unimportant.  There's a small civilization managing to scrape out a living, but the population at last count about a decade ago was in the thousands."
-"Correct," he confirmed.  "Starfleet tried to evacuate it last year to get them out of the path of the pending supernova, but the Tal Shiar had other plans for the colony.  They executed a number of Romulan colonists after Starfleet abandoned the evacuation operation, and they've been a rogue world ever since.  They might not be too happy to see another Starfleet ship again."+"Are you sure there's no government presence on the planet from any of the major powers?"
-"Wellsince we're technically not working for Starfleet anymore, maybe they'll be more accommodating."+"There might be a few Tal Shiar agents in the population," Tolkath surmised.  "But they'be in place to keep an eye on the population and not the sky.  The sporadic reports available indicate that the population is more interested in just surviving from day-to-day than to be dealing with any interstellar governments It's possible that a Starfleet ship could lay low and not draw too much attention.”
-"Maybe," Maria replied with apprehension.  "But, if they're under-supplied and cut off from both the Romulans and the Federation, I'urge caution and some sort of barter to offer so that they'll leave us alone while we make repairs."+“If we beam down and ask them for discretiondo you think they'comply?” 
-"Welllike you said, we have a CFI replicator."+“Maybe,” Tolkath replied with apprehension. “But, if they're under-suppliedI'd urge some sort of barter to offer so that they'll leave us alone while we make repairs.
-"Agreed," Tolkath added.  "They're going to be desperate for suppliesand since they haven't quite faced their fate yet with the Supernova Crisisthe situation could be unstable We should exercise caution."+“Welllike you saidwe have a CFI replicator," commented Narundi.
 After hearing all of the different angles, Leon considered the situation and made his first command decision. After hearing all of the different angles, Leon considered the situation and made his first command decision.
current_story/nothing_ever_lasts_forever.1677426788.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/26 15:53 by cromwell