The USS Republic is a Galaxy-class starship, the fifth Federation starship to bear the name. Although the Galaxy-class model is nearly two decades old, most of Republic's major systems have been updated to current Starfleet specifications. While her detachable saucer section is a substantially refitted design from a previous vessel, her stardrive section is a newly-constructed module with state-of-the-art engine and support systems. Like her other Galaxy-class sisters, Republic is a multi-purpose deep space exploration vessel capable of operating for extended periods away from her home port, extending Starfleet's presence far beyond Federation borders.
- Model: Galaxy Class Starship
- Class: Explorer / Heavy Cruiser - uprated
- Commissioned: 2371 - present
- Length : 641 m
- Beam : 470 m
- Height : 145 m
- Decks : 42
- Mass: 5,125,000 metric tons
- Crew: 1,014
- Evacuation Compliment: 15,000 maximum
- Normal Cruise : warp 6
- Maximum Cruise : warp 9.2
- Maximum Rated : warp 9.9 for 12 hours
- Beam Firepower : 1,400
- Torpedo Firepower : 1,000
- Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1,220
- Shield Strength : 1,890
- Hull Armor : 1,000
- Speed : 1,600
- Combat Maneuvrability : 1,000
- Overall Strength Index: 1,355
Note: The original Galaxy class model is rated at 1,000 in each of the above parameters.
- Auto Modulated Shield system, total capacity 5,103,000 TeraJoules
- Standard level Structural Integrity Field
- Standard Duranium/Tritanium Double hull with 9 cm High density armor.
- High level Structural Integrity Field
- 14 Type XII Phaser arrays, total phaser output 80,000 TeraWatts
- 1 Rapid fire quantum torpedo tube + 60 torpedoes
- 3 Type III burst fire photon torpedo tubes + 275 torpedoes
- Antimatter spread emitter
- 3 Danube-Class Runabouts
- 3 Type-8 Shuttles (uprated - standard)
- 3 Type-8 Shuttles (uprated - diplomatic)
- 6 Type-9 Shuttles
- 12 Type-18 Shuttles
- 6 Workbees
- 1 Peregrine-Class Fighter
- 1 Scoutship
- 1 Argo-Class Shuttle
- 1 Galaxy Yacht (Captain's yacht)
Grade 7, which includes:
- 75 Ambassadorial quarters at 250 square meters each.
- 2,250 Staff quarters at 30 - 80 square metres each
- 4 Conference hall complexes, 2,500 square meters for 600 guests each
- 75 briefing rooms with150 square meters and 40 seats each
- 75 Independant communications facilities
- 30% of all facilities, including interconnecting corridors, capable of supporting class H, K, or L environments
- Facilities for up to 400 members of the press
- Minor : 1 year
- Standard : 5 years
- Major : 20 years
- Expected Hull Life: 100 years