John Thelonius Carter |
Personal Statistics Individual Profile Starfleet Service Medical Record Psychological Transcript Medals & Awards |
Rank: |
Commander |
Position: |
Executive Officer |
Age: |
29 |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Place of Birth: |
Olympus Mons, Mars |
Height: |
1.85 meters |
Weight: |
68 kg |
Hair: |
Brown |
Eyes: |
Brown |
John is the son of Marcus Carter, attached to Federation Diplomatic Corps, and Doctor Amanda Carter, formerly of Starfleet Command, Xeno Biology Division. After an average academic career through primary and secondary levels, John used the connections of his family's position to travel throughout Federation and border territories. While visiting aboard Federation Station Deep Space Nine (DS9 further) John signed aboard the private cargo vessel S.S. Rubicon as helmsman, under the direction of Merchant Captain Theodore (Teddy) Peck. Rubicon's path was to take it from DS9 to the area of space refered to as "The Triangle". While in this historically contested area, Carter helped the Rubicon through several "colourful" encounters with Orion pirates. On one such occasion, the Rubicon was disabled by raiders from the "Dodger" cartel. The U.S.S. Crazy Horse was dispatched to rescue the Rubicon. Upon the Crazy Horse's arrival, her captain learned that the Orion vessel had in fact been captured by Carter and several of Rubicon's crew. John Carter entered Star Fleet Academy.
Cadet cruise, USS Yorktown, Captain Tana Mir. Conn. Graduated, Starfleet Academy. Assigned to USS Faragut under Captain T'Fal. Chief Helmsman and Second Officer. Exploration of Sector 1483 USS T'vish under Captain Sowarek. Chief Helmsman. Galaxy Exploration Command. Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Recieved commendation for Meritorious Service. USS Valiant II, Galaxy Exploration Command, Captain Teressa Perkins. Promoted to promoted to Lieutenant. Appointed to serve as Executive Officer. Recieved Distinguished Service Medal. Transfered to Military Opperations Command. Assigned to USS Freedom Star, Captain Mezan Redin. Chief of Conn, later promoted to Lieutenant Commander and served as Executive Officer. Neutral Zone Patrol. Recieved Denebian Order of Valor with Bronze Cluster. Assigned to Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Sol III. Instructor, Advanced Starship Strategy and Tactics. Transferred to Tactical Branch. Assigned to USS Republic. Promoted to Executive Officer, USS Republic.
Subject is blood-type A positive. Medical scans indicate no abnormal conditions for a human of subject's species and age. Past musculo-skeletal scans show two compound shoulder fractures, and five shattered ribs resulting from sporting accidents. All injuries have subsequently healed. Psychological profile indicates that Carter responds positively in high-stress situations. This can be attributed to his having been raised on Mars, long known as a rather "independant" member of the Earth System Commonwealth. Carter can also be somewhat single-minded. Though his record has no incidents of insubordination, Starfleet Academy testing indicates creative potential with regards to "interpretation" of regulations.
Commander Carter is outgoing and friendly, but also shows some stubornness, and is very competitive. He is thurough in his tasks, but this trait can manifest itself in minimally obsessive behavior. Carter's moral center appears well-founded, and he is by all accounts a resposible leader and officer. His flair for unconventional approaches to situations, both tactical and interpersonal, shows strong problem-solving abilities. Ironicly, Carter also appears to be something of a Techno-phobe, prefering to rely on himself and his crewmates to resolve situations, rather than be too dependent on technology. Carter has shown an interest in Earth history and literature, as well as Terran jazz. Prior to his acceptance to Starfleet Academy, Carter was five-time All-Mars Lacrosse Champion.
Service Medals & Awards